Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Exactly Where I am Supposed to be

Being here in Tokyo has really made me stand in awe of what Father has done, is doing, and what He will do. Just talking to my fellow interns, the M's, and Japanese Christians shows the greatness of our Father. Prayers are being answered, hearts are being healed, people are being reached, most of all lives are being changed.

Sunday we had our worship in the park as usual. We had a huge group from Texas with us. Being the Fourth of July and having a group of Texans with us was comforting. Once again Father blew my mind. We were about to start playing capture the flag and some of the volunteers asked a group of Japanese college students to play with us. I started talking to a guy named N. We talked about school, America, then he asked about my bracelet. The one I was wearing was my "be joyful" bracelet. He asked me if I knew what it meant. I was then able to pull out the word and explain about the joy we have in Christ. He asked me why we were here and I was able to share with this guy. When I asked if he believed in Jesus, he told me that the Japanese do not believe in Jesus. Please pray that the Japanese will not let their culture and traditions hold them back from Christ. This is the fifth time that I have been able to share because of my bracelets. I bought it on a whim, but Father has used them for his glory.

Monday July 5

We celebrated the 5th/4th of July by going to the river. We did the traditional things with a twist. We swam, in a Japanese river. We cooked what they call American dogs. We also found firecrackers which was fun.

The River

Jumping off "The Big Rock"

That evening, I was walking back to my Tokyo house, and we basically had to swim there. It is rainy season, but this rain was the worst I have ever seen in Tokyo. It ended up being really fun during our 20 minute walk. When we crossed streets, the water was halfway to my knees and there was a little current. The fields were pouring their mud onto the sidewalks, which made walking interesting. You gotta love rainy season!

Tuesday July 6

Today, the girls I live with and I started working at the English school where we will be doing the VBS. It is super exciting to be preparing the VBS for kids who might be hearing the name of Jesus for the first time. The lady who runs the school told us how this VBS came to be. She has been wanting to have a VBS for five years. Father worked in big ways to make it happen this year. Last year, He made it possible for her to rent the floor below her school. The room had been too expensive to rent before, but Father had the place stay empty until the money was available to rent it. Now with the room, it is time for the VBS. So many awesome things are happening through this English school. Today she told us of the awesome things Father is doing. One little boy was just baptized. He started going to the nursery at 5 months old. One day when he was 5 or 6 he was outside and an Christian American couple passed his yard as they were headed to a church, and he said "Hello". The couple stopped and talked to the little boy. They asked his grandmother if they could take him to Sunday school. The grandmother was taken to Sunday school when she was a child and remembered enjoying it. So, she let the total strangers take her grandson to the church. That little boy has now become a believer. The family has asked about his new faith and has heard the good news. The couple who met him has decided to pay for him to go to a Christian school and Christian college in the states. Father is so good!

Father is so good! He is moving and shaking things! It is awesome to see the amazing things He is doing in Tokyo, Winnie, Nacogdoches, and everywhere!

Prayer Requests
  • N, that he will receive Christ
  • The youth group here for the week
  • The VBS
  • Honeybee English school
  • Opportunities for us to share everyday with someone

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