Sunday, July 25, 2010

Awesome Things

This summer I have been asked one question, "What has been you favorite thing this summer?". I absolutely adore this question. It is a question just ready to proclaim Father's name and glory. So many things have happened this summer so I wanted to start sharing some of my most favorite things.


This is something that Father has just blessed and glorified Himself in. I have bought some bracelets that they write whatever you want on them in Japanese. I wear them almost everyday and they have been a powerful ministry tool. I have been able to share the good news of Jesus 10 times with almost twenty people.

  1. I was at dinner with three Japanese college girls. They saw my bracelet and wanted to know why I have "be joyful" written on it. I was then able to share about the joy I have in Christ.
  2. I was at English club at Chofu Baptist and the women there saw my bracelet and I was able to share the verse behind my "Be joyful" bracelet.
  3. I was teaching the Bible study at Honeybee and the moms saw my bracelets and we were able to talk about how Father gives us joy and what true beauty is.
  4. We were at the park one Sunday for worship and there was a group of people dancing. We were able to talk to them and they told us they are Buddhist. They asked me about my bracelet and I told them about the joy I have in Christ.
  5. Another Sunday, we were about to capture the flag and one Japanese guy who was invited by some of the volunteers to play was talking to me and saw my bracelet. He asked about why it said "be joyful" and I told him about the joy I have in Christ.
  6. There is a college student I met at a friendship party who has become a good friend with all of the interns. He also asked why my bracelet said "be joyful"
  7. A fellow believer wanted to also know about my "be joyful" bracelet.
  8. I was coming home one day and I was talking to the woman next to me. She eyed my bracelet and wanted to know about it. I was able to tell her about Jesus for the first time in her life.
  9. I met a girl Saturday night, she went to dinner with a group of us interns and volunteers. She asked about my bracelet and I was able to talk about the joy I have in Christ.
  10. Today I met two girls at the park. They asked why I was wearing the bracelets. I was able to share with them the good news of Jesus.
Father works in marvelous ways, he uses everything for his glory, even bracelets that are bought on a whim, or so I thought.

Another awesome thing that happened was when I was riding with the lady who runs Honeybee. She was showing us the way to ride our bikes to Honeybee. As we were driving, she told us that around the corner is a cult, she asked us to pray that God would get rid of it. When we turned the corner, where the cult was supposed to be was an empty lot. She rejoiced as we drove, thanking Father for removing that evil place from the neighborhood.

Father has blessed me with an awesome intern family. What started out as 17 strangers from three organizations has became a tight knit family. I love each of them dearly. I now have three families, my biological family, SFA family, and now my intern family. When the High School interns arrived, our family doubled in not only numbers but in unity. Father has kept us close as we have worked together this summer.

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